September 14, 2014

So here I go again on another “election campaign.” Last time I did not have any pamphlets or leaflets. I had 20 signs for the entire riding. I had no radio or tv commercials and only one - BIG - newspaper ad. This time will be different. I have some supporters and my “campaign” will be more effective as a result.
I realize a number of you disagree with my opinions. Please try to restrain yourselves. I acknowledge that you are not accustomed to a political candidate speaking the truth and freely and openly expressing opinions and beliefs that no other candidate has the courage to express, but please limit your opposition to name calling . No death threats please!
I can’t help but think that if I told a candidate in a Provincial election “I will find you and kill you” that I would have been charged. And if my boy said he would find and kill a native politician as one 15 yr old from Kashechewan told me, I believe I would still be in Juvenile Court fighting for my sons release. But that’s behind us now.
I strongly believe that no citizen of this City is more significant, more important, or has any special “super citizen” rights, than any other resident. Period. I don’t care if you arrived in Thunder Bay yesterday. If you just got off the plane from Vietnam, or the Ukraine, you are as entitled to the same treatment and recognition as the next person. When you are one of us, you are entitled – have the absolute right – to the same rights and treatment as someone who has lived here for 20 years, or a 100 years, or longer. There is no hierarchy of citizenship, residency, or cultural status. I am for real, honest, transparent, equality.
If you - like Hobbs and Hannam – consider this belief as evidence of being “motivated by hate and racism,” then you should examine your own motivation and you should question your own views on true equality.
It necessarily follows that I will not stand for coddling, patronizing, glorifying or elevating being native anymore than I will stand for doing the same for Finn, Italian, or French. True equality, true “public” equality is what I stand for. If you, somehow, find that offensive, or politically incorrect, or whatever, fine. You are just as entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. If you share Hobbs’ distorted, parochial, views on equality, simply choose not to vote for me. You can spare me the death threats, however.
Similarly, what type of society is it that allows one group of people identifiable by race, to break that society’s laws with impunity and without consequence? I believe this is just plain wrong. Once again if you disagree with me that’s fine, don’t vote for me. But hold the death threats please.
Voters if I am elected there will be no “sacred cows.” There will be no topic that shouldn’t be discussed – open, freely, honestly and objectively. Political correctness will not shield truth and hard fact. If tax payer money is involved, I intend to be damn well convinced it is being spent wisely.
Once again, if you find this approach and this process upsetting, don’t vote for me. On the other hand, if you believe it is time that common sense and a realistic examination of all issues and expenditures is long overdue, please allow me to serve you.
It is my opinion that the tax payers of the City of Thunder Bay do not have to fund our “Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.” If the purpose of that “office” is to advocate on behalf of the native community, I believe they have more than sufficient means of advocacy already. Redundancy alone would render this “office” unnecessary. When coupled with the fact that our City should not – at tax payer’s expense – sponsor special treatment for one group of citizens to the exclusion of other groups, this “office” has to go. Our City - every City – should practice demonstrative equality.
Equally important, is the fact that this office is totally ineffectual – an absolute waste of tax payer’s money. Name three things this office has done for you. How about two? Ok, name one.
Do you feel safe with Hobbs’ “Aboriginal Strategy?” I don’t. Why Hobbs and Hannam can’t see this is simply beyond me. I can, I suppose, see Hannam’s self-serving position here, because I believe that even though he has a full-time job as City Clerk, he is also being paid to “manage” the “Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.” So to him it’s money.
But what about Hobbs? I believe Hobbs is behind this because he wishes to cater to and patronize native voters. That of itself is fine, but if Hobbs wants to court and campaign for native votes, he should do so with private money – his own money – not the tax payers dime.
Think about it voters. While our murder rate is on track to be double that of New York City (with the Mafia and all those drug addicts) Hobbs and Hannam are having a press conference to discuss my political newspaper ad. We are becoming the murder capital of North America and these two clowns are quarrelling with my statement “no one is above the law” etc. etc.
Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps, Hannam is not being paid. He could simply be suck-holing to his boss. If the City would answer my requests for information concerning this issue, I wouldn’t have to speculate.
I am sending another request to the City asking that the following four questions be answered:
1. Is John Hannam being paid to “manage” the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office?
2. How was he chosen for this position?
3. What is the total annual budget for the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office?
4. Is the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office an “EQUAL” opportunity employer?
This time I will be sending this request letter UPS and I will publish the registration receipt.
Let’s see if a response is provided. If it is not, I will not stop. I will dig harder to learn the truth. The tax payers deserve to have this information whatever their answer is.