September 14, 2014

Tamara Ward Johnson August 31 near Thunder Bay · Edited

$1000.00 REWARD Crime Prevention Part III A. You can’t get tough on crime until you get tough on criminals. It was with utter disgust that I read Ian Robinsons letter to the editor, published on Sat Aug 30th, 2014. In his letter, Ian relates an incident that occurred on St. Paul Street in our City, which involved 7 youths encircling his daughter’s boyfriend, “taunting” the boyfriend with chants of “white boy” and beating him. The assailants fled when a police cruiser, fortunately, happened on the scene. Good thing. We could be looking at nine murders. Ian does not specifically say so, but because this gang was chanting “white boy” as they attacked, I take it the attackers themselves were not “white.” Further, because Ian refers to comments from D.C. Bouchard as “… realistic comments on the problems some of the young people from northern reserves are causing in Thunder Bay,” I will also infer the attackers were native. I believe this attack was “clearly motivated by hate and racism.” You may recall my WORDS were deemed just that a few months ago when Hobbs and Hannam, FWFN Chief Morriseau and Fiddler, etc. held a Press Conference to target me and condemn me for saying “no group of people are above the law,” and “no group of people can illegally block our roadways” and “no group of people are entitled to Special Super Citizen Status,” etc. Let me get this straight. MY WORDS, are deemed by Hobbs and Co. as “clearly motivated by hate and racism” and are considered so vile, so socially unacceptable, as to merit the unprecedented act of calling a press conference and going on CBC radio to single me out, attack, and condemn me, but this vicious, unprovoked, racial epithet laced, illegal ATTACK against this “white boy” is NOT??? Where is the press conference Hobbs? Here you actually have people “clearly motivated by hate and racism” and you’re silent? You publicity seeking phoney! And Hannam, were you not “appalled” by this vicious, cowardly, unprovoked attack? You were “appalled” by my exercising my civil right of free expression, yet you are silent when native youth mercilessly attack a “white boy.” Oh, I understand. The Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office you manage, only responds to, then targets and condemns, words spoken by “white girls.” Your office totally ignores actual, physical, illegal acts, committed by natives. Let’s pour more tax dollars into this farcical charade everyone. In my view, the total silence on the part of Hobbs and Co. lies in their apparent willingness to overlook, excuse, and ignore, real, true, factual, illegal acts when such criminal acts are committed by natives. It goes against their “native glorification program.” Voters, these 7 punks have to be sought out, arrested, and hopefully, locked up before they kill someone. I have decided to take money – my money, not donated money, and post a reward. The reward should be published in Tuesday or Wednesdays CJ. Here is how the reward will read. $1000.00 Reward I am offering a $1000.00 Cash Reward to the individual who provides Thunder Bay Police, at any time after today’s date, with information leading to the arrest of anyone of the 7 youths who, on July 1st, 2014, on St Paul Street., in the City of Thunder Bay, encircled a young man, taunted him with racial slurs of “white boy” and mercilessly assaulted him. Because this vicious attack was clearly motivated by hate and racism, this Reward will be paid on the arrest of any one of these individuals. A conviction need not result. The Thunder Bay Police will be the sole arbiters of when and to whom this $1000.00 Reward will be paid. Do not contact me with this information. Contact the Police Department directly at 623-8477. Dated September 6th, 2014. Tamara Johnson I certainly hope the CJ will print my ad. For the cost of one large campaign sign, we may bring these criminals to justice. I’m willing to make that trade. I want everyone to take particular notice of the total silence on the part of Bev Sabourin regarding this vicious attack. Also, the eggheads over at LU had no problem coming out and condemning my WORDS ( can you imagine an institute of learning coming against a person exercising their civil right to freedom of thought and expression ?) yet this vicious, physical, ATTACK, coupled with racial epithets by native youths on this young man, is not worthy of comment. Why is that? In my opinion, if it were 7 “white boys” beating on a native youth, the professors, who were so quick to write about me, would be leading a march on our Court House demanding immediate justice. Funny, when the roles are reversed, all we get is silence. These fools have to take their heads from the sand – from their liberal, elitist, agenda-driven asses is more accurate – and come to grip with reality and truth. And also take note voters, our ENTIRE City Council is totally silent. Councils reckless lack of responsibility and willful inaction on crime related issues, linked, I’m sure, with the misconceived notion of what issues are too sensitive, or too politically incorrect to comment on, has enabled Hobbs lack of understanding and direction to result in our City earning the title “Murder City.” It is truly regrettable our ENTIRE City Council is so selfish that they put their “jobs” and City paycheques ahead of their responsibilities to the voters. If elected, I will not suffer this fate. What was Hobbs reaction to our record setting 8th murder? Evidently, all he has done is put his kid on the net ( Wednesday night) to state – in some misguided attempt at damage control – that “all is well in Thunder Bay” because our murderers only kill someone they know. Well Hobbs family, I for one take little comfort in that line of bullshit. Besides showing little or no sympathy for our murder victims and our families, this attitude must explain why our latest murderer is still at large. He or she must know a lot of people. Equally important is the factor that I wrote about 2 posts ago. How does the Hobbs family define “knowing your murderer?” How well do you have to “know” them? Do you actually have to “know” them, or does “knowing of them” qualify? The Hobbs family line also discounts what could happen if one were to witness a murder, or get in the way of someone fleeing after having committed murder? Voters you are witnessing the last, gasping, effort on the part of a hopeless mayor whose “crime prevention strategy” is an utter, total, dismal, cowardly, failure. And we have the murder rate to prove it. Voters we have a certain element living among us who have a distinct and disproportionate proclivity to resort to extreme violence. We have to recognize this for the cancer that is and cut it out of our society. If elected, I will work ceaselessly to accomplish exactly that.