October 04, 2014

Response to Chief Levesques Letter

If you say no one is above the law and no one has the right to illegally blockade our roads, the mayor will come out against you and attempt to publicly humiliate you.
If you offer a reward for the arrest of anyone of the 7 punks who viciously committed an unprovoked attack on a ”white boy,” the Police Chief comes out and publicly denounces you and your reward.
In addition, certain natives will refer to your reward as a “bounty on natives” and march against you, hop up on food court furniture and shout to people not to vote for you. On top of furniture. Shouting and waving flags in Intercity Mall. While people are eating. Real classy. Real considerate. Real illegal.
Chief Levesque could have privately contacted me to say ”Tamara I understand your frustration but the way you presented your reward is not how we handle such situations.” Privately.
After all, it’s not as if anyone else is offering rewards to combat crime. Only one person is offering rewards. Me. Instead Chief Leveque chose to publicly rebuff me for attempting to assist the police in getting 7 hoodlums off our streets.
Let’s look closer at exactly what our Chief of Police wrote.
The first matter that caught my eye was that I gave “erroneous information regarding the Thunder Bay Police’s involvement with the reward.” Not at all. What I said was if you know something call the cops and if and when they say “pay Tamara,” I will do so without question. The only ”error” I see here is my believing the cops would appreciate the help.
Next, Levesque said I gave the wrong phone number, as if the number I provided was for a Chinese takeout place or something. Well Chief, the number I gave – 623 8477 – just happens to be the number for Crime Stoppers. Not a bad place to start of you’re trying to “STOP” crime. It appears to me Chief you’re going out of your way to make me look foolish.
The Chief goes on to say rewards would not be considered unless “… all other investigative avenues have been exhausted.” Ok. It’s been over two and half months since the crime was committed, what’s left to do?
Chief Levesque then states rewards are only offered in “high profile cases.” It appears the Chief doesn’t realize that to mothers like myself, this case is pretty damn high profile. Further, Chief Levesque is obviously totally unaware that a cash reward of up to $2000 dollars has been offered by Crime Stoppers ( on their website) for information concerning damage done to 6 TREES on ST. PAUL STREET, that’s right everyone….TREES on ST. PAUL STREET. Boy Chief, there’s a “high profile” crime for ya!
More importantly Chief, I don’t care what has been done in the past, I’m running for a seat on City Council to bring new ideas and a fresh, innovative, approach to municipal affairs – including policing our City. I don’t want to hear “that’s not how we do it,” because your old and tired ideas aren’t working. You should embrace – not resist - positive change.
The Chiefs words then get real interesting because he points out a totally irrelevant illegal act ( soliciting for the return of stolen property) and then, almost reluctantly, concludes that I have not committed a crime. Me, that I haven’t committed a crime. Me. One crime the Chief doesn’t mention is the vicious, unprovoked, attack and beating on a “white boy.” Nor does he mention the illegalities committed by those protesting the “bounty” they believe I have put on natives. But he mentions stolen property and that I haven’t committed a crime. Go figure!
In fairness, I have to agree with the Chief that I should have made an effort to provide the Police Dept. with my intention to run a reward. In hindsight, that would have been the right thing to do. However, from the attitude expressed by the Chief, that would clearly have gotten me absolutely no where.
As of today, here is the situation concerning the reward. The reward stands. If you know something call the cops. If the cops take the call and arrest someone, I will pay the reward. The Chief needn’t worry about evidence, evidence is only relevant to a conviction. If a conviction results great, but we all know nothing will happen to these hoodlums anyway.
Chief I believe your time would have been better utilized by publicly stating: “A reward is not a bounty. A reward is a very useful tool to combat criminal activity. To disturb the peace in expressing your opposition to a legitimate, sincere, albeit uncoordinated reward offer, is not how we behave in an orderly, just, lawful, society.” How about that Chief?
Chief now that I have started the reward process, please provide us with the procedures your office wishes that we follow to offer rewards in the future. Why? Because if I get elected, I can absolutely guarantee you more rewards will be offered.
The police officers that I have spoken with tell me that JP Levesque is a good Chief of Police. I have to respect their opinion, because theirs is a knowledgeable, an informed opinion. I would be foolish to disregard their “front line” views.
So we have a good Chief, but a serious crime problem. Doesn’t seem to make sense does it? But I trust the street officer’s opinions implicitly, so there must be another reason. Could it be that Hobbs’ is “handcuffing” Chief Levesque from properly exercising his duties and responsibilities as Chief? Hobbs, after all, clearly believes some of us are above the law.
Chief Leveque the fact is we live in “Murder City” and you are the Chief of Police in “Murder City.” Eventually someone has to be held accountable, because we are living in a very dangerous environment. Eventually, people will begin to look to you for answers. Who else should they turn to? Public Works? Parks and Rec? John Hannam and the Aboriginal Strategy Office?
Ok Chief Levesque you want to address me publicly. Fine. Address these questions publicly.
1. Did Thunder Bay Police ever provide the CJ with details of the crime outlined in Ian Robinson’s letter?
2. If not, why not?
3. If you did and the CJ didn’t print or cover this vicious racial attack, why did you not then take it upon yourself to write a letter to the editor warning the parents of “white boys” of this gang of hoodlums?
4. Are you aware of any similar or other attacks that you are not publishing details of?
5. Have you ever taken any steps to ascertain if in fact crime statistics in Thunder Bay have been manipulated, or otherwise shuffled, to give the illusion that crime is down in Thunder Bay?
You chose the public forum Chief Levesque. Now answer these questions publicly. Please, don’t be like all the rest, and only make public statements when you can criticize “white girls” who are trying to do something to combat crime in our City.