October 04, 2014

Tamara Comments on Latest Murder in Thunder Bay

When is enough…enough? When do we say we have had enough? Will it take the tragic death of a “white boy,” your son or mine, to galvanize this community into taking positive, dramatic, steps to rid our streets of these murderous thugs?
At what point do we rise up and demand the resignation of Hobbs, this City Council and Police Chief Levesque? When do we replace these dangerous incompetents with responsible, capable, people and protect ourselves? How far do we let the reputa...tion of this City sink, before we care enough to actually do something?
Hobbs and his gang have created and fostered an environment that has made these murderers feel comfortable here in Thunder Bay. Hobbs has pandered to and coddled, patronized and made excuses for, glorified and enabled, these criminals to slash out, murder and rob, at record setting, disgraceful, rates. In our City.
It is now well beyond the point where the Hobbs “family line” that they knew each other, affords the average citizen the protection all of us deserve and are entitled to. What a cowardly, disrespectful, thing to say. Do natives not deserve protection in Thunder Bay?
It is now at the point that you cannot safely send your son or daughter to the movie theatre on a Friday night without putting their lives at risk.
It is now at the point that anyone who ventures out in Thunder Bay after dark takes their life in their hands.
It is now at the point where if Hobbs and Levesque had an ounce of decency in their souls they would voluntarily confess their inability to protect us and resign.
It is now at the point that the atmosphere of permissive lawlessness – that some of us are above the law, that someone us can commit illegal acts without consequence – that Hobbs and Levesque have fostered and engendered, puts the lives of each and every one of us at risk every minute of the day.
It is now at the point if we don’t take positive action against Hobbs and Levesque we are as crazy as they are.
It is now at the point where I for one demand the immediate resignation of Hobbs and Levesque.
I don’t want to live in fear any longer. I don’t want my son to become another Hobbs and Levesque statistic. Do you?