Tax payers: want to save a million dollars in about 3 years, simply with just a stroke of a pen? Want to put more police officers on our streets, or reduce everyone’s taxes by a million dollars, simply by the stroke of a pen? Better still, want to accomplish any of these advantages with absolutely no loss whatsoever of any City service and no loss whatsoever of any benefit currently provided to residents of our City?
You can do this, if you get rid of the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
You may recall that on page A7 of the Saturday June 14th, 2014 edition of the Chronicle Journal, City Clerk John Hannam referred to my full page provincial election ad and stated it contained “…quite frankly appalling statements…” Hannam went on to say my ad was “…an example of the need for important work like the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy…” A sentence later, it was revealed that Hannam was the “manager” of Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
The only “important” work the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office ever accomplished was to refer to my statements “no one is above the law” and “no one is entitled to illegally blockade our roads,” etc., as “appalling.” I don’t know how “important” you readers feel Hannam’s comments were, but in my opinion, his words were of no importance whatsoever. In that nothing else – important or otherwise – was ever accomplished by the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office, I stated it was an utter, total, waste of tax payer money – and it is.
Subsequently, I discussed Hannam’s comments and posted that I was writing the City to ascertain if Hannam was being paid to manage Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. I also wanted to know what the budget for this ”office” was? What was it costing the tax payers? Additionally, I asked if Hannam got this job through Hobbs. At the time, I provided you readers with a copy of my letter to the City.
Hannam has since personally responded to my letter. He acknowledged that he was, in fact, being paid to manage Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office, but he wouldn’t say exactly how much. He said his pay was included in his salary as City Clerk and, evidently, he was unable to define what portion of his salary was attributable to his duties as City Clerk and what portion would be attributable to his additional duties as manager of the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
Hannam said he did not receive any additional money for managing this office. I say, if he wasn’t managing this office, he would, necessarily, be paid less. It only makes sense. You know what I think? I think he was too embarrassed to reveal what his buddy Hobbs is sliding him to “manage” this office.
Regardless, we have positively established that Hobbs paid Hannam – with your money – to run me down. Real important work. Real good use of tax payer dollars. Voters, this isn’t rocket science and I’m one hell of a long way from being a scientist, but when someone attacks another for saying “no one is above the law,” you can bet your life they are being paid. Money. They all do it for money. Hobbs attacked me to pander to native voters. You paid for it. Hobbs gets the votes on your dime – not his. Money.
Hannam stated that the budget for Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office is $281,400.00 annually. $281,400.00, plus whatever portion of Hannam’s wages would be attributable to his duties regarding this office. So voters, you are probably paying well over $300,000.00 a year for this ridiculous, utter, total, waste. Almost 1 MILLION DOLLARS in three years – and that is without any budgetary increases, or any raises to Hannam for managing this “important work.” Hannam said the City Manager hired him. The City Manager works for Hobbs. Hannam also said this office is now called the “Aboriginal Liaison Unit.” He must have changed the name because in the CJ the name was exactly as I have stated. The word “strategy” has apparently been deleted. I guess there is no longer any “strategy.”
Voters please ask yourself “ why haven’t the incumbent City Councillors told you about this disgraceful waste?” Also, ask “why haven’t those seeking election told you about this?” You know why? This issue involves natives and they are afraid to be called a racist. All. Everyone. Everyone, that is, except ME.
Sadly, this worthless, redundant, waste of tax payer’s money was never intended to do anything of value. It was always pure “window dressing.” It was simply an opportunity for Hobbs to pander to native voters and provide a means for his suck hole side-kick Hannam to stuff his pockets with your money. Further, I am willing to bet few of you even knew of the existence of this money pit, until Hannam came out, at Hobbs press conference, to run me down.
Hobbs and Hannam are in the “anti racism business.” Anti racism pays well. In fact, anti racism pays so well, they have to search for racism where it doesn’t exist. They have to put on a “show,” hold a press conference, to justify the votes and cash they have saved and pocketed.
Last night at the Public Forum, I stated that I would get rid of the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. I was booed. In the same sentence, I also mentioned that I disagree with the “policy” of Shelter house to feed alcohol to alcoholics. Free. Your tax money is paying for the booze. I sincerely believe this practice is not helping these people and, in fact, only perpetuates their addiction. I know a little about alcoholism. I have big, gapping, hole where 70% of my liver used to be to prove it. And it wasn’t my liver that alcohol destroyed, by the way.
Further, what a disservice this “policy” does to the excellent efforts, for decades, of Alcoholics Anonymous and its system of meetings and support groups. I subscribe to the notion of “one day at a time.”
For making a statement on these two issues, I was booed. Not one candidate, or any moderator, supported my right to present my views without harassment, even as they wore “RESPECT” buttons that were handed out at the door. And not one single person, out of the hundred present, stated one good reason for keeping the wasteful Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. They want it, but they don’t know why?
Last weeks CJ told of Police Chief Levesque going to Council to beg for $75,000 to replace two police cars. Hobbs and Hannam are burning enough of your tax dollars at this ridiculous sham “office” to buy eight patrol cars each year! What would you rather have? What’s more, why should Chief Levesque even have to go to Council to ask for money? Why isn’t this Council asking him “what do you need Chief?” “How can we help?”
Let’s be honest everyone, Hobbs Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office is all optics, all show. This abomination was established to demonstrate to everyone entering City Hall how enlightened, how progressive, how socially conscious, Hobbs and his Council are.
If they are so damned enlightened and progressive, why do we have a record setting murder rate and the reputation of “Murder City?” Why are our streets not safe? Why are “white boys” beaten? Why are visitors mugged outside their hotels? Why are shop keepers arming themselves with baseball bats?
From a native perspective, natives have more than sufficient advocacy organizations and this ”show piece” simply isn’t necessary to ensure their interests are protected. It is redundant and this redundancy will cost the tax payers of this City almost a million dollars in the next three years. A million dollars we don’t have. We are almost 200 million in debt. Incidentally, this debt, this astronomical debt, was one of the “facts” Aldo Ruberto conveniently forgot to mention at last night’s forum.
Another ”fact” Aldo Ruberto forgot to mention, is the fact that Hobbs and this arrogant Council treat this City as their own personal “fiefdom.” They finance Shang- Ra-la with your tax money and say don’t you dare have the audacity to question us. Here’s some news Hobbs and Council: You don’t “own” Thunder Bay. You are just “renting” it….and your lease is about to expire.
Avoiding controversial issues to get votes has NEVER got in the way of my speaking the truth. Avoiding controversial issues to get votes has ALWAYS prevented the other candidates from speaking the truth.
Voters do you really want to re-elect and reward Hobbs and this arrogant Council, for a job well done? Do you? Can you?
You can do this, if you get rid of the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
You may recall that on page A7 of the Saturday June 14th, 2014 edition of the Chronicle Journal, City Clerk John Hannam referred to my full page provincial election ad and stated it contained “…quite frankly appalling statements…” Hannam went on to say my ad was “…an example of the need for important work like the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy…” A sentence later, it was revealed that Hannam was the “manager” of Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
The only “important” work the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office ever accomplished was to refer to my statements “no one is above the law” and “no one is entitled to illegally blockade our roads,” etc., as “appalling.” I don’t know how “important” you readers feel Hannam’s comments were, but in my opinion, his words were of no importance whatsoever. In that nothing else – important or otherwise – was ever accomplished by the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office, I stated it was an utter, total, waste of tax payer money – and it is.
Subsequently, I discussed Hannam’s comments and posted that I was writing the City to ascertain if Hannam was being paid to manage Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. I also wanted to know what the budget for this ”office” was? What was it costing the tax payers? Additionally, I asked if Hannam got this job through Hobbs. At the time, I provided you readers with a copy of my letter to the City.
Hannam has since personally responded to my letter. He acknowledged that he was, in fact, being paid to manage Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office, but he wouldn’t say exactly how much. He said his pay was included in his salary as City Clerk and, evidently, he was unable to define what portion of his salary was attributable to his duties as City Clerk and what portion would be attributable to his additional duties as manager of the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office.
Hannam said he did not receive any additional money for managing this office. I say, if he wasn’t managing this office, he would, necessarily, be paid less. It only makes sense. You know what I think? I think he was too embarrassed to reveal what his buddy Hobbs is sliding him to “manage” this office.
Regardless, we have positively established that Hobbs paid Hannam – with your money – to run me down. Real important work. Real good use of tax payer dollars. Voters, this isn’t rocket science and I’m one hell of a long way from being a scientist, but when someone attacks another for saying “no one is above the law,” you can bet your life they are being paid. Money. They all do it for money. Hobbs attacked me to pander to native voters. You paid for it. Hobbs gets the votes on your dime – not his. Money.
Hannam stated that the budget for Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office is $281,400.00 annually. $281,400.00, plus whatever portion of Hannam’s wages would be attributable to his duties regarding this office. So voters, you are probably paying well over $300,000.00 a year for this ridiculous, utter, total, waste. Almost 1 MILLION DOLLARS in three years – and that is without any budgetary increases, or any raises to Hannam for managing this “important work.” Hannam said the City Manager hired him. The City Manager works for Hobbs. Hannam also said this office is now called the “Aboriginal Liaison Unit.” He must have changed the name because in the CJ the name was exactly as I have stated. The word “strategy” has apparently been deleted. I guess there is no longer any “strategy.”
Voters please ask yourself “ why haven’t the incumbent City Councillors told you about this disgraceful waste?” Also, ask “why haven’t those seeking election told you about this?” You know why? This issue involves natives and they are afraid to be called a racist. All. Everyone. Everyone, that is, except ME.
Sadly, this worthless, redundant, waste of tax payer’s money was never intended to do anything of value. It was always pure “window dressing.” It was simply an opportunity for Hobbs to pander to native voters and provide a means for his suck hole side-kick Hannam to stuff his pockets with your money. Further, I am willing to bet few of you even knew of the existence of this money pit, until Hannam came out, at Hobbs press conference, to run me down.
Hobbs and Hannam are in the “anti racism business.” Anti racism pays well. In fact, anti racism pays so well, they have to search for racism where it doesn’t exist. They have to put on a “show,” hold a press conference, to justify the votes and cash they have saved and pocketed.
Last night at the Public Forum, I stated that I would get rid of the Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. I was booed. In the same sentence, I also mentioned that I disagree with the “policy” of Shelter house to feed alcohol to alcoholics. Free. Your tax money is paying for the booze. I sincerely believe this practice is not helping these people and, in fact, only perpetuates their addiction. I know a little about alcoholism. I have big, gapping, hole where 70% of my liver used to be to prove it. And it wasn’t my liver that alcohol destroyed, by the way.
Further, what a disservice this “policy” does to the excellent efforts, for decades, of Alcoholics Anonymous and its system of meetings and support groups. I subscribe to the notion of “one day at a time.”
For making a statement on these two issues, I was booed. Not one candidate, or any moderator, supported my right to present my views without harassment, even as they wore “RESPECT” buttons that were handed out at the door. And not one single person, out of the hundred present, stated one good reason for keeping the wasteful Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office. They want it, but they don’t know why?
Last weeks CJ told of Police Chief Levesque going to Council to beg for $75,000 to replace two police cars. Hobbs and Hannam are burning enough of your tax dollars at this ridiculous sham “office” to buy eight patrol cars each year! What would you rather have? What’s more, why should Chief Levesque even have to go to Council to ask for money? Why isn’t this Council asking him “what do you need Chief?” “How can we help?”
Let’s be honest everyone, Hobbs Aboriginal Liaison Strategy Office is all optics, all show. This abomination was established to demonstrate to everyone entering City Hall how enlightened, how progressive, how socially conscious, Hobbs and his Council are.
If they are so damned enlightened and progressive, why do we have a record setting murder rate and the reputation of “Murder City?” Why are our streets not safe? Why are “white boys” beaten? Why are visitors mugged outside their hotels? Why are shop keepers arming themselves with baseball bats?
From a native perspective, natives have more than sufficient advocacy organizations and this ”show piece” simply isn’t necessary to ensure their interests are protected. It is redundant and this redundancy will cost the tax payers of this City almost a million dollars in the next three years. A million dollars we don’t have. We are almost 200 million in debt. Incidentally, this debt, this astronomical debt, was one of the “facts” Aldo Ruberto conveniently forgot to mention at last night’s forum.
Another ”fact” Aldo Ruberto forgot to mention, is the fact that Hobbs and this arrogant Council treat this City as their own personal “fiefdom.” They finance Shang- Ra-la with your tax money and say don’t you dare have the audacity to question us. Here’s some news Hobbs and Council: You don’t “own” Thunder Bay. You are just “renting” it….and your lease is about to expire.
Avoiding controversial issues to get votes has NEVER got in the way of my speaking the truth. Avoiding controversial issues to get votes has ALWAYS prevented the other candidates from speaking the truth.
Voters do you really want to re-elect and reward Hobbs and this arrogant Council, for a job well done? Do you? Can you?