I say “will it take the death of a “white boy” to galvanize Hobbs and Levesque and our cowardly council into demonstrative action to fight crime in Thunder Bay” and the native response was predominately negative. I’m not saying all natives, because some natives understand that I am saying natives are not expendable.
This City’s last murder victim was a true tragedy. This young man came to Thunder Bay to better himself, get an education, and look what happened. In my last post I said don’t native people deserve protection? And yet, some still call me a racist? I am standing up and speaking out for everyone in Thunder Bay.
Several of you have taken exception to my recent statement that Hobbs, in effect, issued a “license” to all the crazies to “get me.” It’s absolutely true. When Hobbs declared “open season” on me, he didn’t care what affect his words had on my reputation, or on my personal safety.
The following is an example of what I am speaking of and was sent to me from a genius by the name of Nick Lingner: “I hope you get throat raped and a train ran on you by the biggest f.. IP’s ( Indian Posse) this side of Stony Mountain, stupid f.. c.. gtfo out of politics and keep popping your xanax or whatever benzo your doctors have put you on.. I hope your whole family drops dead of cancer.”
Hobbs did not care that I have the right to freedom of thought and expression. Nor, did Hobbs care, that every word I said was true. Hobbs only concern in attacking me was to selfishly promote himself as some form of arbiter of what constitutes examples of hate and racism. Hobbs determined that my statements that “no one is above the law” and “ no one can illegally blockade our roads” qualified.
In actuality, my words were an expression of truth and plain common sense. Hobbs words were a perversion of truth and common sense and were simply a selfish, transparent, reckless, attempt to pander to native voters and ultra- liberal, pseudo-intellectual, wing nuts.
I will go to my grave believing no one is above the law and that no one has the right to commit illegal acts to advance or promote their cause. What’s more, until then, I will continue to shout it from the roof tops.
If you disagree, you have already accepted your role as “second class citizens” and are playing into the hands of the law breakers. More importantly, you are doing a serious disservice to your children and grandchildren.
Opposition to my words has never been predicated on the truth of what I am saying.
Opposition to my words has always been based on the fact some dislike what I am saying, coupled with resentment that someone had the courage to come out and say it.
A better comment someone could have made would be “how does all this translate into an issue involved in municipal politics?”
First it shows Hobbs to be the worthless phoney that he is and, secondly, I have proven I have the courage to stand up and take a vocal, public, stand on issues that affect tax payers, but are to politically controversial for the weak and meek office seekers and incumbents to discuss. When that occurs, you - the tax payer - have no voice.
Voters, if elected, this leopard isn’t going to change her spots.